Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fuzzy beasts

Winter must be just around the corner. The leaves are all gone...the green has disappeared from all but the really well protected grass. And THE HORSES LOOK LIKE FUZZY DICE!!!

Here are a couple shots of the fuzziest of them all:

Lucky - age 31.

Molson - age 1

Gidget - age 2


MicBel QH said...

Mine are just now getting their winter hair, the last couple falls they were haired up in late Aug. I hope we have a mild winter!

Carrie said...

We have had ice (frost) on the windshields the last 3 weeks or so. Not every day - but often enough to remind us that winter is just around the corner.

It was 27F this morning when I went to work - just a little chilly. Only warmed up to 45.