Sunday, October 14, 2007

Shayne is growing up

Well, my kids just keep getting bigger and bigger. Amazing how that happens hey?

Shayne will be 14 in December. He has his first girlfriend - Breanna. Have not met her yet but have said hi to her on the phone. He said they are keeping it "a secret" from everyone at school so they won't get bugged.

He is also almost as tall as me...give him another 6 months and he will be...not that it will take much seeing as how I am only 5 ft 1. But with a mom this short and a dad that is only 5 ft much of a chance does he have???

Here is his newest picture that he had Melissa take.


MicBel QH said...

They grow up way too fast!

Paige said...

I find it very hard to believe he is only five feet tall---he looks taller than that laying there. He is definitely thinning out as he gets taller too.

Carrie said...

They sure do. I can still remember him being a little BALD gaffer who just wanted to watch Dumbo all the time. LOL

And yup - he is 5 ft tall. Two more inches he will be taller than me - thank goodness. I was getting worried that he would, forever, be a midget.

And thinning out too. Which is another good thing. He was getting a little on the chubby side.

Elly'sMom said...

Cute kids you have, all 3 of them. To be that age again huh! Keeping relationships a secret. He's embarrassed? Kids...... gotta love 'em. Not sure why..... LOL

I love the new layout Carrie, looks Fabulous!