Thursday, November 6, 2008

Chiropractor results

Well, I went on Monday for my x-rays and for my follow-up appointment after my testing.

I watched another short video and then went into the exam room. Dr. Fischer came in and we talked about how I had done over the weekend.

We also discussed my bone scan and abdominal ultrasound that I had had done by my other doctor and chiropractor. He said that most of it was what he figured and said that I would be a little shocked about my ultrasound results when compared to one of his scans. We then went over my scan results.

1. Thermal Scan - showed temperature changes at T4, T7, T8 and T10...all on the left side. These vertebrae help the gall bladder, Pancreas, spleen and Kidneys function. Interesting as I have gall stones and a kidney problem.

2. Static EMG Scan - showed that my neck muscles are weak (not working to their full capacity). It also showed that I have lots of muscles on the left side of my back working really really hard...and muscles on the right not working hardly at all.

3. Asymmetry - showed that my body is in a constant "tug of war". The muscles are working all the time - one group at 167% and another at 247%. And the muscle groups alternate from right to left. My left side of my neck is pulling - then the right side at the top of my shoulder blade - then the left mid shoulder blade - the right at the bottom of the shoulder blade and the left at the top of the hip. So my body is constantly fighting itself. He said that this is a big factor in my back pain and my fatigue.

After we went through all that, he did a small adjustment. He is a firm believer in only adjusting what absolutely needs it. And I agree.

I have a full regime of appointment booked until mid December.

he also suggested I get back into my massage and IMS as that will help my muscle groups learn to relax and behave. LOL

He also said he will talk to his wife about me (she worked in the same office) and see if she can set me up with an exercise program and nutritional advice.

Here's hoping that this will be a big turning point in my back health!!!

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